
  • Pinnies to separate kids into two teams.
  • 20-30 “towels” (pinnies, scarves, face clothes…etc).
  • A container to hold 20-30 “towels.”
  • A “magic” item (rubber chicken, beanbag…etc.).
  • Cones to mark the playing area (outside only).


  • Split the kids into two even teams.
  • The play area is a rectangle (the school gym works perfectly), and the two teams will line up at either end of the gym (width wise), facing each other.
  • On one end of the gym, about 5 to 7-feet away from the players, line up the towels evenly across the full width of the gym.
  • Define the safe lines – For team Yellow/Light X, they cannot be tagged when they are behind their safe line. For team Green/Dark X, they are fine as long as the are behind their safe line.
  • The object of the game is for team Yellow/Light X to steal all of the towels from team Green/Dark X and bring them back to their bin.
  • You can only steal one towel at a time, and do not need to take a towel before you can run back behind your safe line (so if someone from team Yellow/ Light X chickens out before stealing a towel, they can run back behind their safe line to be safe).
  • Here is the catch: Team Green/Dark X can only protect their towels by tagging someone from team Yellow/Light X before he makes it back across his safe line. Also, the minute a member of team Green/Dark X crosses their safe line, they MUST catch someone from team Yellow/Light X, or they are eliminated.
  • On the flip side, if someone from team Yellow/Light X, with a towel or not, is tagged by someone from team Green/Dark X, then the person from team Yellow/Light X is eliminated.
  • All eliminated players go to a designated spot on the side of the gym wall (or outside of the square of play).
  • If someone from team Yellow/Light X takes the magic item and makes it all the way back to their line without being tagged, then all of the eliminated players from team Yellow/Light X are back in the game.
  • If someone from team Yellow/Light X takes the magic item and is tagged by someone from team Green/Dark X, then all of the eliminated players from team Green/Dark X are back in the game.
  • In either case of the magic item being taken, it is always put back so that it can be stolen again.
  • At the end of a set time limit, or when all of the players have been eliminated from one team, or all of the towels have been stolen, reset everything, change sides, and play again.
