
  • 7-9 hula hoops.
  • A whole bunch of bean bags.
  • Cones to mark center safe zone (if playing outside).


  • Scatter the hula hoops around the gym.
  • Put as many bean bags into each hoop as you can.
  • Split the class into 2 even teams, placing one team in the middle of the gym, inside the center circle (this will be their safe zone). Have the other team scatter around the playing area.
  • The players in the middle of the gym are the robbers.
  • The players outside the safe zone, scattered around the playing area, are the cops.
  • The object of the game is for the robbers to steal as many bean bags as they can and bring them back to their safe zone without being tagged by a cop.
  • If a robber can make it to a hula hoop he/she can stand and be safe inside the hula hoop with the bean bags.
  • Only one robber can be inside a hula hoop at one time.
  • Robbers can only steal one bean bag at a time.
  • If a robber makes it back to their safe zone without being tagged by a cop, he/she drops the bean bag in the middle of the safe zone and prepares to head out again.
  • If a robber is tagged by a cop, and does not have a bean bag, he or she must sit down wherever he or she was tagged.
  • If a robber is tagged while holding a bean bag, he or she must first return the bean bag to the hula hoop, and then go and sit down back in the spot where he or she was tagged.
  • When a robber leaves the safe zone, they can either try and steal a bean bag OR save a robber who has been frozen (they cannot do both). To save a robber, they must make it to the frozen robber and touch them and then, while still remaining in contact with them, walk back to the safe zone together before rejoining the game.
  • Play for a predetermined amount of time or until all of the robbers have been caught or until all of the bean bags have been stolen.
  • At the end of each round have the cops and robbers switch roles.
  • Full length pe game involving beanbags and hula hoops

    Cops and Robbers – Full Length